Excel tutorial
Thursday, April 29, 2010 | 9:30 PM | Top
This is for Microsoft excel. Click on the images to look at it clearly.
If you want to make the box visible, select the box, click on the icon circled red, and choose "all borders".

If you want to fill the box with colours, click on the circled icon and select whatever colour you want.
Please be sure to include planning, storyboarding, filming, editing and finishing. The above is an example, and you MUST have a legend. It's better to have exact dates of the week rather than 1st week, 2nd week, et cetra.
Microsoft word tutorial.
Stop bullying our poor chiling! She got other homework to do also eh! HAHA I know it's abit late but, yea. I'm awesome.
Regarding microsoft word, main idea is to have information about cyber bullying and cyber wellness in the document, insert bullets like this:

A footer/header is something like this, mine is with the date:
This above is an example for the table, can easily find it in google. (:
People please take note
Register 1- 20 please email me
My email is sunshine-chiling@hotmail.com
tell me who are you also please
Register 21- 40 please email Jia Xuan
His email is arbiter555@hotmail.com
tell him who are you also please
Latest email us at tmr night
cause I need to hand in on friday
If really really you cannot finish after 10 pm tomorrow night
Email me latest by 6am on friday morning
if not, hand in the files to Jansen yourself
Jia You!
For now, I have recieved from
Xi Wen
Meng Qing
Jing Yi
Zhi Le
Yee Ying
-[chi ling]-
Sunday, April 25, 2010 | 4:29 PM | Top
Title: Sec 2 IT - Microsoft Assignments Body: Just a reminder of the skills you need to show in all 3 assignments. Word: •bullets and numbering •headers and footers (bonus) •nsert date and page numbers (bonus) •Bold/italic/underline •Table insertion • insert images Powerpoint: • Use of colors in relation • Linking images • Transitions • Bullet & Number List • Bold/Underline/Italic/color • Adjust font Size Excel: Project Schedule. It should include: 1) Planning 2) Comic Life/Storyboarding 3) Filming 4) Editting 5) Finishing I have given you as much tips as I can. Good luck. Hand up all the work to your Vice Chairs, Councilors or IT Reps. They will store your assignments in their thumbdrives and pass to Chairman. Chairman of each class, please hand up to me the moment all your classmates are in. We need time to confirm and store their work into DVDs. Jansen ask me spread this message de. V-ALARIE
Homework update - 15.04.10
Thursday, April 15, 2010 | 10:18 PM | Top
Hello once again! Someone else update please.. Here's an SMS sent around, please take note in case you have not received it. Hey 2A! Here's a reminder. Please meet at Hougang Stadium latest by 7.15. Don't be late please. FOr girls, don't use a thick rubber band to tie your hair as we girls will have a red ribbon attach to our ponytail. Do remember to bring your class tees! Its the most important item! Please spread around. Thanks. Lastly, rest well and jiayous for tomorrow's class cheer. (:
So yea, please bring your class tee tomorrow. And do NOT use thick rubber bands. (:
Homework: - Maths textbook 5.4 due on Tuesday (book 2) - Maths textbook 5.5 due on Wednesday (book 3) - Literature scrapbook (each day late, minus 5 marks) - Chinese spelling -- 一杯泥土 on wednesday - Science class test on next Thursday chapter 25 and 26
That should be all for now. I'll update if I left out anything. (:
Class cheer.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 | 5:55 PM | Top
Hey people, there's history test tomorrow, it's on Chapter 7! * Chinese spelling is NEXT WEEK okay,
and please cooperate for the class cheer, Friday is the competition!
We have 2 days left. :D All the best everyone!
* Edited: I'm not sure, really, some say 6 and 7, some say 678, some say 7.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | 11:21 PM | Top
OKAY! All of you shush about the blog being dead, the oh-so-awesome vivian has come to update and make the blog alive. Alrights! This Friday is NCHS annual sports meet! And 2A people who are competing in any of those running stuff, all the best!
2ACOA! Buck up and let's win the class cheer! The competition would be fiercer as we would be competing with secondary 3 classes, so let's give it our best! Yah I know I'm being a keyboard warrior. XD
Homework: - Geography workbook worksheet - Science worksheet
Those homework above are not due tomorrow though, and chinese spelling is next week! Next week there is also Home Econs practical test! And I think there is a Science quiz or something on Chapter 25 and 26 this thursday, not very sure though, will update it here when it's confirmed.
That's all for now, awesome me has updated. :]
- Awesome vivianne.
Saturday, April 10, 2010 | 9:32 PM | Top
posting so that the blog is not in the coffin, lol
Excel tutorial
Thursday, April 29, 2010 | 9:30 PM | Top
This is for Microsoft excel. Click on the images to look at it clearly.
If you want to make the box visible, select the box, click on the icon circled red, and choose "all borders".

If you want to fill the box with colours, click on the circled icon and select whatever colour you want.
Please be sure to include planning, storyboarding, filming, editing and finishing. The above is an example, and you MUST have a legend. It's better to have exact dates of the week rather than 1st week, 2nd week, et cetra.
Microsoft word tutorial.
Stop bullying our poor chiling! She got other homework to do also eh! HAHA I know it's abit late but, yea. I'm awesome.
Regarding microsoft word, main idea is to have information about cyber bullying and cyber wellness in the document, insert bullets like this:

A footer/header is something like this, mine is with the date:
This above is an example for the table, can easily find it in google. (:
People please take note
Register 1- 20 please email me
My email is sunshine-chiling@hotmail.com
tell me who are you also please
Register 21- 40 please email Jia Xuan
His email is arbiter555@hotmail.com
tell him who are you also please
Latest email us at tmr night
cause I need to hand in on friday
If really really you cannot finish after 10 pm tomorrow night
Email me latest by 6am on friday morning
if not, hand in the files to Jansen yourself
Jia You!
For now, I have recieved from
Xi Wen
Meng Qing
Jing Yi
Zhi Le
Yee Ying
-[chi ling]-
Sunday, April 25, 2010 | 4:29 PM | Top
Title: Sec 2 IT - Microsoft Assignments Body: Just a reminder of the skills you need to show in all 3 assignments. Word: •bullets and numbering •headers and footers (bonus) •nsert date and page numbers (bonus) •Bold/italic/underline •Table insertion • insert images Powerpoint: • Use of colors in relation • Linking images • Transitions • Bullet & Number List • Bold/Underline/Italic/color • Adjust font Size Excel: Project Schedule. It should include: 1) Planning 2) Comic Life/Storyboarding 3) Filming 4) Editting 5) Finishing I have given you as much tips as I can. Good luck. Hand up all the work to your Vice Chairs, Councilors or IT Reps. They will store your assignments in their thumbdrives and pass to Chairman. Chairman of each class, please hand up to me the moment all your classmates are in. We need time to confirm and store their work into DVDs. Jansen ask me spread this message de. V-ALARIE
Homework update - 15.04.10
Thursday, April 15, 2010 | 10:18 PM | Top
Hello once again! Someone else update please.. Here's an SMS sent around, please take note in case you have not received it. Hey 2A! Here's a reminder. Please meet at Hougang Stadium latest by 7.15. Don't be late please. FOr girls, don't use a thick rubber band to tie your hair as we girls will have a red ribbon attach to our ponytail. Do remember to bring your class tees! Its the most important item! Please spread around. Thanks. Lastly, rest well and jiayous for tomorrow's class cheer. (:
So yea, please bring your class tee tomorrow. And do NOT use thick rubber bands. (:
Homework: - Maths textbook 5.4 due on Tuesday (book 2) - Maths textbook 5.5 due on Wednesday (book 3) - Literature scrapbook (each day late, minus 5 marks) - Chinese spelling -- 一杯泥土 on wednesday - Science class test on next Thursday chapter 25 and 26
That should be all for now. I'll update if I left out anything. (:
Class cheer.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 | 5:55 PM | Top
Hey people, there's history test tomorrow, it's on Chapter 7! * Chinese spelling is NEXT WEEK okay,
and please cooperate for the class cheer, Friday is the competition!
We have 2 days left. :D All the best everyone!
* Edited: I'm not sure, really, some say 6 and 7, some say 678, some say 7.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | 11:21 PM | Top
OKAY! All of you shush about the blog being dead, the oh-so-awesome vivian has come to update and make the blog alive. Alrights! This Friday is NCHS annual sports meet! And 2A people who are competing in any of those running stuff, all the best!
2ACOA! Buck up and let's win the class cheer! The competition would be fiercer as we would be competing with secondary 3 classes, so let's give it our best! Yah I know I'm being a keyboard warrior. XD
Homework: - Geography workbook worksheet - Science worksheet
Those homework above are not due tomorrow though, and chinese spelling is next week! Next week there is also Home Econs practical test! And I think there is a Science quiz or something on Chapter 25 and 26 this thursday, not very sure though, will update it here when it's confirmed.
That's all for now, awesome me has updated. :]
- Awesome vivianne.
Saturday, April 10, 2010 | 9:32 PM | Top
posting so that the blog is not in the coffin, lol
Nan Chiau High School's
2 A.C.O.A.!
A Class of Attitude.
"Our life is nothing but mugging"
- Quoted by Vivian (:
The Students
1] Ang Feng Xia ~ NCSO
2] Beatrice Lee ~ Wushu
3] Chai Ming Fang ~ Wushu
4] Chew Shaw En ~ Chinese Dance
5] Cindy Ng ~ Table Tennis
6] Goh Xinyi ~ NC Chorale
7] Joey Ong ~ International Dance
8] Leck Chi Ling ~ NCSO
9] Lim Eleen ~ Table Tennis
10] Ling Xiwen ~ Table Tennis
11] Liu Meng Qing~ NCCO
12] Low Jia Wen ~ NCSO
13] Ng Lip Fei ~ NCWO
14] Claudia Nio ~ NCCO
15] Valecia Sim ~ NCWO
16] Poon Jing Yi ~ NCCO
17] Quek Zhi Le ~ Chinese Calligraphy
18] Sharmaine Kuik ~ Chinese Dance
19] Sun Zi Cheng ~ Table Tennis
20] Tan Yee Ying ~ NC Chorale
21] Tay Geok Rong ~ Wushu
22] Valarie Teo ~ Table Tennis
23] Marlene Toh ~ Chinese Dance
24] Vivian Seah ~ NCSO
25] Beatrice Wee ~ NC Chorale
26] Wong Yan Yi ~ Wushu
27] Xu Ning Zhen ~ NC Chorale
28] Yan Soo Peng ~ Basketball
29] Yeo Bei Ting ~ International Dance
30] Yeo Jing Qi ~ NPCC
31] Chan Jun Kang ~ Infocomm club
32] James Toh ~ NPCC
33] Lai Ying Xian ~ NCC
34] Lin Shi Zheng ~ Chinese chess
35] Tan Jia Xuan ~ NCSO
36] Tan Ming Hao ~ CLDDS
37] Teo Zhi Yi ~ Wushu
38] Toh Yong Jian ~ NCC
39] Wee Guang Hui ~ NPCC
-` Good results for EOY
-` Class Tee
-` Class Outing
-` Best Class Award
-` Be a united class
-` First in cheerleading
Achievements :)
Top in Maths for CT 1 (:
Top in Science for CT 1 (:
Sports Meet - Red House (3rd) (:
Top in Maths for MYE (:
First 2 teams of The Amazing Race (:
First for class deco 2010 (:
Happy Birthday~
The January Babies
Jia Xuan - 3 Jan
Soo Peng - 31 Jan
The February Babies
Valarie - 5 Feb
The March Babies
Ying Xian - 4 Mar
Geok Rong - 10 Mar
Valecia - 11 Mar
Shaw En - 15 Mar
Ning Zhen - 20 Mar
The April Babies
Ming Fang - 5 Apr
Guang Hui - 17 Apr
Marlene - 18 Apr
Shi Zheng - 28 Apr
The May Babies
Xi Wen - 24 May
The June Babies
Jing Qi - 14 Jun
Vivian - 27 Jun
The July Babies
Yee Ying - 2 Jul
Cindy - 5 Jul
Joey - 7 July
Eleen - 15 Jul
Beatrice Lee - 25 Jul
Jing Yi - 25 Jul
Sharmaine - 27 Jul
The August Babies
James - 3 Aug
Chi Ling - 17 Aug
Claudia - 20 Aug
The September Babies
Jun Kang - 6 Sep
Zhi Le - 10 Sep
Jia Wen - 14 Sep
Zhi Yi - 24 Sep
Bei Ting - 27 Sep
The October Babies
Feng Xia - 13 Oct
Ming Hao - 19 Oct
Meng Qing - 21 Oct
Zi Cheng - 31 Oct
The November Babies
Beatrice Wee - 12 Nov
Yong Jian - 18 Nov
Lip Fei - 22 Nov
Catherine - 26 Nov
The December Babies
Xin Yi - 17 Dec
Yan Yi - 20 Dec
Sweet escapes♥
Carnival Stall promotion blog
Beatrice Lee
Beatrice Wee
Chi Ling
Feng Xia
Guang Hui
Jia Wen
Jia Xuan
Jing Yi
Jing Qi
Lip Fei
Ming Fang
Ming Hao
Ning Zhen
Shaw En
Shi Zheng
Soo Peng
Yan Yi
Ying Xian
Zhi Yi
Our Neighbours
2B '10
2C '10
2D '10
2E '10
2F '10
2I '10
CCA Blogs
Basketball [B]
Basketball [G]
International Dance
NC Chorale
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
Basecode: X X X
Updates and reminders
End Of Year Examination time table
Wednesday 7th October
English Paper 1 and 2.
Thursday 8th October
Higher Chinese Paper 1 and 2.
Friday 9th October
History Paper
Monday 12th October
Science Paper
Maths Paper 1
Tuesday 13th October
Geography Paper
Malay Special Program Paper 1
Wednesday 14th October
Maths Paper 2
Thursday 15th October
Literature Paper
Friday 16th October
Design and Technology Paper
Home Economics Paper
Malay Special Program Paper 2 and 3
Music Elective Program
Common test two ' 09 Is officially Over.
Highest in :
Ming Fang
Xi Wen
Meng Qing
Guang Hui
Ming Fang
Beatrice Lee
Ming Fang
Undated on 28th August 2009
-[chi ling]-