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You May Not Spam Here
You May Spam As Much As you Like Here


Monday, August 31, 2009 | 5:46 PM | Top

Kay er Lippy here shocking huh?
Anyway 1A peeps! Please try to contribute $3 on Wed
For the class fund!
As we don't have enough money to buy ICE


Sunday, August 30, 2009 | 2:32 PM | Top

hi ACOA,
please bring at least $3.00 on 310809.
we need a bit more money so that the fiesta can be successful.
shi zheng has agreed to give us $50.00.
that's a big amount.
but i hope at least 10 people can give the commitee $3.00 each.
we have decided to buy the cookies from Famous Amos.
Packaging: We pack it ourself on 4/9
thanks for everyone co-operation.


Saturday, August 29, 2009 | 8:57 PM | Top

Hey, please ignore the previous post, but please still RELINK the blog @ http://www.acoa-fiesta.blogspot.com/!

Lippy and the rest found another supplier, Famous Amos. If I'm not wrong it's 2000 cookies for $82. Yea so we're not doing fruit crumble already, now we're still selling cookies and ice popsicles. To Jing Qi, Lippy says we're buying the ice popsicles, 10 for 70 cents.

Baking committee, all of you are to stay back this Friday, which is 4th September, to get the cookies, ice popsicles, et cetra, and pack them up together. Please take note.


| 4:56 PM | Top

Okay, just a quick post so I'll copy and paste everything I've posted in the fiesta blog.
Main point is RELINK the carnival blog to www.acoa-fiesta.blogspot.com

Dear A.C.O.A peeps,

We're going to change our items of Grass Jelly to Ice popsicles, and cookies to fruit crumbles. There are not enough funds to buy the cookies as the supplier we found charges us $12 for 50 cookies. So Lippy decided to change it to fruit crumble, as it is easier to bake and cost lesser. (don't worry, it's tasty too)

If you're wondering why we don't try to bake the cookies, the ingredients for cookies are too expensive and it'll take us alot of time as we have to make around 1000 cookies in one day, and the fiesta is only one week away.

We understand that, as all of you have already paid $3 for this fiesta earlier, none would want to pay extra, so please do not complain about the change. It's not confirmed yet as we need to speak to Mdm Lim about it. Meanwhile, just relink this blog. We will not change back to acoa-cookies.blogspot.com even if we won't be making the crumble, so just relink~

Yea, and the blogskin is changed as we're not advertising cookies anymore. Please relink, promote, and tell everyone about it. (: Thanks for your coorperation.

Okay I know it's very official, but the main point is to RELINK the carnival blog to www.acoa-fiesta.blogspot.com and promote it as well okay~ Sorry for the inconvenience, jiayou for the fiesta! (:


Friday, August 28, 2009 | 9:30 PM | Top

Hello people. Beatrice Wee here, yea. Umm, as Lip Fei has said, the fiesta is only 6 days away, so all respective I/Cs, please start work! We don't have much time left, so yea. Please start work alr okay? (: Btw, the grass jelly drink has been changed to ice popsicles. So all departments, please take note. Don't make a mistake in advertising our stall or anything okay. (: Oh, and please remember to publicise our cookie blog! :D

Hmm, Monday is teachers' day celebration day. And there is also the ACES Day workout, so please remember to come in your half uniforms, but also remember to bring your P.E attires to change into before the workout. (: Oh, and remember to bring your presents ah, if any. lol.

Then Tuesday's a holiday, Wednesday! There's the Mini Olympics thingy. (: So please read the rules on the noticeboard by Wednesday, before recess latest, in order to not get disqualified in the game in case the rules are misinterpreted. Teo Zhiyi please start making the Argentina flag okay. Time is running out. No flag = immediately disqualified - AS A CLASS. So please faster make the flag..

Okay, that's all. Exams are over! Aren't you guys happy? Haha. Not contented with your results, just work harder for the exam. Don't stress okay. Haha, that's all. Bye! (:

Thursday, August 27, 2009 | 9:21 PM | Top

http://acoa-cookies.blogspot.com/.go to this website to see our promotion for the cookies of 1A,must support cos its delicious!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 | 7:04 PM | Top

Okay, please take note of this post, it is NOT related to exams or stress, so don't worry. (:

Lippy took some time out (so kind hor) and created this blog in order to promote our cookie/drink stall in the "Shine in Harmony" carnival in our school. As mentioned in that blog, please link that promotion blog to your own blogs, and promote them in your blogs too. If you have time (after CT2) please tag the link in other people's blog to promote it. But don't overdo it okay, or it'll be irritating, haha. Jiayou to all of you for tomorrow's D&T or Home Econ paper, it's the last paper! All the best!

Link for promotion blog:



Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | 8:04 PM | Top

everybody JIA YOU worx
yay, tmr got science ^^ lols
tmr I think during lit paper the second period is ms phua come in :)
today she didnt come in, so cannot ask her questions.
tmr de science is chp 10 - 12
tmr de lit is chp 1 - 6
-[chi ling]-
btw, the icon issit nice? I scared not nice ><

Thursday, August 20, 2009 | 6:58 PM | Top

Here I am, proud to announce the NEXT and the last august baby of ACOA :
happy birthday!

to others :
you can you it kkaes?
tomorrow there will be English compre AND history chpt 6 & 7
dont be late please
or else it'll be BAD LUCK
-hyper cause its CLAUDIA'S birthday-
oh yeah, remember to MUG for history and do your english homeworks
and, bring thermometer and science file WITH pop quiz SIGNED
-[chi ling]-

Chiling's Fantabulous Birthday
Monday, August 17, 2009 | 3:00 PM | Top

Hello people!
I'm just being over-hyper cause it's Chiling's birthday!
My good friend, our chairperson, our class' chio bu! (:
I'm not gonna add anything alr. Anything, you all add okay. lol.


Mmm, today's hw!

Due tomorrow

- Ex 14.1: Q10 and 11
- Ex 14.2: Q4 and 5
*Optional: 14.3 -> Q7 and 8.

- Common Test 2008 paper (Skip topics we haven't learn)

- Newspaper article comprehension, vocab and ghost story
- Iconic food worksheet and picture of chosen food

Due Other Days

- Wb pg 95 to 101 (Due Wednesday)
- Chosen people, write your scripts

- Revise notes for test on Wednesday.

- Sketches and description of 4 imaginary friends on drawing block (Due next Monday)


That's all. (: Hmm, it's Claudia's birthday on the 20th! Get ready your presents if you have any okay? Haha. Once again,

Happy birthday, Chiling! :D

Remember to bring your ties tmr since there's assembly. (:

Friday, August 14, 2009 | 2:46 PM | Top

Oh yes, I am very efficient. (: Feng Xia has a new blog!


Please link her asap. I already linked her to the class blog. ^^

*By the way, I'm joking about the efficient part yea, don't take it seriously. XD


Thursday, August 13, 2009 | 9:16 PM | Top

Hey peeps, do take care of your health kkaes?
now LOTS of people are getting VERY SICK

I post today is about the blog template.
I found a blogskin that I think is nice :D
the picture of the baby can be replaced of our class photo :)
the voting will be of 2 days.
on sunday, if not alot of people disagree, i'll change the template.
this is the link : click here

vote in the first tagboard please
once again, TAKE CARE WORX.

Homework for today :
Chinese - news in class.

Reminders :
to Jia Xuan and Feng Xia :
please bring the forms and hand in to mdm lim yourself tmr.

-[chi ling]-

| 7:52 PM | Top



Early Dismissal!
Thursday, August 6, 2009 | 5:49 PM | Top

Hey hey! I'm back to posting after a long, long time. lol. (: Here's the hw for the long holiday.

~ Due Tuesday ~
- Math wb Ch 9: Q20,21,2,23 on foolscap
- Math revision ex for CA2 on foolscap
- Chinese workbook 第三十一与三十四课, excluding pg 53
- 综合填空 worksheet
- Science workbook 12.1
- Find picture for the chosen food that you wrote about today and print it

Anything else? Uhh I can't remember anything else. Hmm, anw remember to bring the following items for tmr:

Pencil case
Materials for the card

I think that's all, since there are no lessons tmr, which means you can just bring a small bag. I hope tmr's gonna be fun! (: Early dismissal at 10a.m. as well.

Please report to the quadrangle as usual, do not be late okay? See ya guys tmr. 6 more days to CT2, work hard everyone! 1A can do it. :D

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 | 5:47 PM | Top

Hello everyone. As all of you know that common test2 is already around the corner so let's all WORK HARD and get good marks((: JIAYOUS!

ok,here's the homeworks:
-Revision Exercise for CA2 (2008)
complete it on foolscape and hand it in on next tuesday.
-workbook chapter 9 Q20,21,2,23
complete it on foolscape and hand it in on next tuesday.

-learn 词语 test
第三十二,三十四课 no.2,4,5,8,10,12,13
testing on thursday

-practical bk page129 Q4.
complete and ms leow will go thru

-tmr,principal from china and mr tay would be coming in to our classroom,
so... please behave(: lolz

-bring hist. wrkbk the next lesson.

-hand in art piece tmr.

i think thats all.
please revise your work for the coming test(:
if unsure of questions,can ask teacher or approach friends(:

love, [:nINgzhEn:]

Monday, August 3, 2009 | 9:50 PM | Top

Hurray for James. its his 13th birthday today :D
Happy Birthday to you~
wish you'll have a good life ahead...
good luck in everything you do.
-[chi ling]-

study stress
Saturday, August 1, 2009 | 5:25 PM | Top

hello people. haven't been posting for quite some time bcoz of some reasons . now gotalot people keep asking about hmewrk.. so i shall post.

ok.. homewrks for ths weekend:
textbook exercise9.2 (Q4,7,9,10)
textbook exercise 9.3 (Q8,9,11)
workbook page 73 (q24 and 26)
all to be done on blue book by monday

[zong he tian kong] wrksheet

science class test on monday
chapter 10 and 11
please revie((:

homeecons/dnt project

literature roject.
please get prepared

i think that should be all.((:
byes.. please edit if there are any mistakes. tyvm((:

i do my math hmewrk on red book leh coz dunno where my blue bk. heehee

love, [:nINgzhEN:]